Tag Archives: RFC1918

Episode 10 – IPv6 Internet Addressing

We returned to record our tenth episode on Sunday August 21, 2016.

Interesting News and Events

Roundtable Discussion – IPv6

IPv4 provides an addressing capability of 232 or approximately 4.3 billion addresses
RFC 791 September 1981

Issues with IPv4 addressing:

  • not enough available address space
  • all blocks are already provisioned
  • conflicting IPv4 addressing between networks requires NAT


Grey/Black market for IPv4 Address space;

Microsoft pays Nortel $7.5 million for IPv4 addresses – Bankrupt Nortel finds a buyer for 666K of its legacy IPv4 addresses, raising questions if the IPv4 black/grey market has arrived.

Cellular Mobile 3G/4G Networks – Carrier NAT

Local Internet Registry

IP NG  – early working-group proposals
The Internet Engineering Task Force adopted the IPng model on 25 July 1994, with the formation of several IPng working groups.[4] By 1996, a series of RFCs was released defining Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), starting with RFC 1883. (Version 5 was used by the experimental Internet Stream Protocol.)
IPv6 Addresses -128Bit 3.4×10^38 addresses

Just how many IPv6 addresses are there? Really?

Subnet Cheat Cheat

Usage Statistics of IPv6

Address Types

  • Unicast
  • Multicast
  • Anycast

Dual-Stack IPv6 Use cases:

  • Management networks
  • home net / Mobile Laptop connectivity via IPv6 Tunnel
  • mergers , change the subnet / prefix on the fly

IPv6: Privacy Extensions

  • Stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC)

Neighbor Discovery

What is no longer available?

  • NAT
  • packet fragmentation by routers >> MTU path discovery has to be working for IPv6
  • Broadcast

IPv6 Issues and Problems (IPv6 Multicast Listener Flooding) 

https://blog.bimajority.org/2014/09/05/the-network-nightmare-that-ate-my-week/ (Garrett Wollman)

How to check IPv6 connectivity
The Turtle is dancing – http://www.kame.net/

Who is already available in IPv6? More than you think, Google, Facebook and many other large web centric companies.

Tunnel Mechnaism:
Free 4to6 Tunnel broker:
https://tunnelbroker.net/ >> Hurricane Electric
IPv6 traffic is encapsulated into IPv4 using IPv6-in-IP, UDP (Teredo), or Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP)

IPv6 Cheat sheat – http://packetlife.net/media/library/8/IPv6.pdf

Naming IPv6 address parts – Proposed IETF RFC and a VOTE – chazwazza
